To register:
Saturday, October 26, 2019
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
$450.00 Early Bird Rate (register before July 31, 2019)
Introduction to Integrative Breathing Training (IBT) - 1 Day Seminar
Optimising patients’ breathing, through individualized and comprehensive breathing retraining can be the key to successful treatment outcomes for many conditions.
There is growing interest and some exciting new information about how breathing impacts on structure, posture, muscle function and specific conditions including chronic pain, sleep apnea, anxiety disorders and stress related conditions.
Many health professionals including physical therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, orofacial myofunctional therapists, speech language pathologists and integrative medicine doctors know that breathing is important but lack a clear pathway for assessment and targeted treatment.
Integrative Breathing Therapy provides a structured and systematic way of assessing and correcting breathing using a range of evidence based tools and training protocols. It’s based on Dr. Rosalba Courtney’s PhD research on the assessment and treatment of dysfunctional breathing as well as her more than 40 years of experience as an osteopath and breathing practitioner.
In this introduction to Integrative Breathing Therapy, Dr. Courtney will demonstrate how her mutli-dimensional model of dysfunctional breathing can be applied clinically to improve outcomes for many different types of patients and provides some fundamental evidence based tools to begin working with this model.
Key Learning objectives:
1. Understand why breathing is often the missing link in the treatment of patients with neuromuscular, postural and structural dysfunctions, stress disorders and “difficult to treat”conditions.
2. Understand the real world difference between functional and dysfunctional breathing.
3. Learn how to use and interpret some fundamental assessment tools of IBT such as the HiLo breathing assessment, breathholding time and validated symptom questionnaires.
4. Understand the practical importance of functional and neurological links between the upper airway (nose and throat disorders) and dysfunctional breathing.
5. Learn fundamental principles and some techniques of IBT nasal and upper airway neuromuscular rehabilitation.
6. Discuss the strengths, limitations and applications of some breathing techniques including the Buteyko Breathing Technique, diaphragmatic breathing, respiratory muscles strength training and Wim Hoff method.
Target Audience - Speech and language pathologists, orofacial myofunctional therapists, physical therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, integrative medicine practitioners, Buteyko practitioners and naturopaths.
Teacher - Dr. Rosalba Courtney ND, DO, PhD
Dr. Courtney is an osteopath and internationally recognized leader in the field of breathing therapy and retraining. In her PhD research she developed the multi-dimensional model of dysfunctional breathing and validated a number of clinical tools for evaluating dysfunctional breathing.
She has published over 15 peer reviewed academic articles and 3 book chapters on this topic as the first author. She was one of the first Buteyko practitioners in the west and studied with Dr.Butyeko in Russia in the 1990’s. She is also a member of the International Society of Respiratory Psychophysiology and has worked with some of the leaders in this field.
In recent years she has trained in orofacial myofunctional therapy and she includes OMT in her work.
Rosalba’s current research is focused on asthma, sleep apnea and chronic pain and postural dysfunction.