Upper airway lips closed tongue up nasal breathing

Support optimal breathing & reduce chronic pain with oral exercises and oral posture repatterning!


decrease jaw pain, neck tension & headaches. reduce snoring and sleep apnea.

improve posture, optimize breathing, prevent orthodontic relapse, improve facial esthetics & more!

In order to deeply support optimal breathing during the day and during sleep, oral exercises are proven to improve muscle function within the orofacial system and upper airway involved in breathing.

The program always begins with a thorough one hour initial assessment to identify your specific needs, and includes a kit with educational material & supplies for at-home exercises.

Usually 6 to 12 follow up weekly or bi-weekly visits, are required to reach our treatment goals. In complex cases, more sessions may be required.

Exercises are recommended to be performed at home three times each day for approximately ten minutes. Detailed measurements are conducted at each visit to track progress, and new exercise progressions are given at each session to advance the therapy. 

On occasion, referrals to other health professionals for issues such as tongue tie, nasal obstruction, or dental crowding are required.

Let us show you how you can help yourself look & feel your best!

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy - Initial Assessment 60 minutes - $200.00
Follow Up Visit 30 minutes - $85.00

Female therapist and teenage girl doing orafacial therapy



What Our Clients Are Saying

“I have been seeing Melissa Alverson for the last 5 years.  She is tenacious with discovering the cause of pain or dysfunction in the body and making it better.  I have made substantial strides in improving my overall health during this time because of her ability to figure out which muscle groups are not firing appropriately, what might be compensating for something else and fixing it like magic!  I appreciate her wholistic approach to wellness and respect her commitment to continuous learning.  When Melissa shares a product to aid in healing – I know she has researched it thoroughly, tried in on herself and can recommend it wholeheartedly.  She is caring, curious, energetic and thoughtful.  As someone who is late to everything, I look forward to my monthly maintenance appointment with Melissa.  I hate to say it’s the only thing I am ever on time for, but it’s the truth -  I would never miss it!”

D. Hunt

Melissa has helped me so much with my chronic pain issues.  She knows more about the musculoskeletal system than anyone I know, and continuously updates her knowledge base with additional training and certifications.  Her treatment is always provided in a kind and caring manner, and she supplements the treatment with home exercises which help accelerate the healing process.  As a result of seeing her I have achieved an 80% improvement in my pain.  I would highly recommend her to anyone suffering from acute or chronic pain!

S. Kroner